The Protocols of Zion.

THE EXHAUSTION of yet another edition of this work shows that there is no falling off in the public demand to be informed about the Protocols of Zion. It is becoming clearer every day that the policy of the Protocols is now being enforced on all nations, since, as Mr. Israel Zangwill boasts, their governments are all packed with Jews and their agents.

In South Africa, the printed book was banned by the ANC government in 1994 as it would highlight that the Jews were responsible for the ANC to take over power. During the Rivonia trial Mandela and all the other murderers of the ANC were represented by Jewish lawyers only, who themselves were all found guilty of sabotage, high treason, and murder and convicted after the Rivonia trial. They were all sent to jail. That is why the contents of the book are correct, as the Jews were the ones who supported the ANC. Even later on, people like the Oppenheimer’s gifted ANC comrades like Patrice Motsepe with all their gold reclamation refineries that were extracting gold from the old gold mines and made him, and his two brothers in law including Ramaposa BILLIONAIRES overnight.

Even today the likes of the Democratic Party’s top people are all of Jewish descent, and just about every Afrikaans-speaking person has now bought into this party without knowing that the Jews are behind all the turmoil happening in South Africa. See the end to download the book in both English and or Afrikaans.

To Professor Sergyei Nilus the world is indebted for the publication of this terrible book. Thus it happens that whilst Russia has been made the victim of Jewry’s undying hate, having been selected by the Elders of Zion to be made an example of Jewish vengeance, Russia has also sounded the tocsin which has aroused the world. To the courage, persistence and devotion of this true son of real Russia the world owes it that the Hidden Hand is now laid bare to its skin and claws. The chaos prevailing everywhere here finds its object and cause explained.

Let every reader of the Protocols study well the Introduction and the Epilogue, which are contributed by Nilus himself, and especially the Epilogue in connection with Protocol III, revealing the track of the Symbolic Serpent in its strangling coil round Europe. The poignancy of the writer’s grief over the then impending fate of his beloved country, which he tried in vain to avert, cannot fail to cut every sympathetic reader to the heart.

And it must be borne in mind that Nilus first published the Protocols in 1902; that the edition from which our translation was made was published in 1905, and that the actual copy which was used in the translation is now in the British Museum, having stamped on it the date of its reception, 10th August, 1906. There is no getting over these dates, which prove that the World War, the crucifixion of Russia, strikes, revolutions and assassinations, have all taken place “according to plan.” And that plan was not the plan of Germany, nor the plan of England, nor the plan of any other nation except the Nation of Jewry, with its secret language and secret government–The Hidden Hand–now, at length, completely revealed in the Protocols, which, it need hardly be said, were never intended for Gentile eyes to see.

Of course, Jews say the Protocols are a forgery. But the Great War was no forgery; the fate of Russia is no forgery; and these were predicted by the Learned Elders as long ago as 1901. The Great War was no German war–it was a Jew war. It was plotted by Jews, and was waged by Jewry on the Stock Exchanges of world. The generals and the admirals were all controlled by Jewry. The revelations of the Jutland Battle and its sequel give one small example of how the Jews conducted the war, whether by land or sea; how they secured the “profits” of the war for Jews, and how they obtained controlling power for Jewry over all the belligerents.

Reader! The publication of this work places a great responsibility on You.

You can download your own copy my protocols  plus a discussion document detailing how the Jews try and discredit this document here:   dokumen.pub_the-protocols-before-the-court-in-berne-the-protocols-of-the-elders-of-zion-before-the-court-in-berne in English, of Gen Manie Maritz – MY LEWE EN STREWE.rdo in Afrikaans vertaal deur Manie Maritz in 1939.

The Jews will always tell you that the court made it out as a forgery in 1934, but will never tell you that the complete case was reversed in 1938 when they had all people presiding in the appeal case from other backgrounds and not only Jews.