English version
Welcome to Shama Ministries. This site will give you answers on how to ensure that you are part of the Bride of Revelation 19.“Then I heard something like the voice of a great multitude and like the sound of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, saying, “Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns. “Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.” It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. Then he *said to me, “Write, ‘Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.'” And he *said to me, “These are true words of God.” Then I fell at his feet to worship him. But he *said to me, “Do not do that; I am a fellow servant of yours and your brethren who hold the testimony of Jesus; worship God. For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” (Rev 19:6-10)
Afrikaanse weergawe
Welkom by Shama Bedienings. Die webtuiste gebruik ek om antwoorde te verskaf op vrae wat mense het om te verseker dat hulle deel van die Bruid gaan wees van Openbaring 19. “En ek het iets gehoor soos die stem van ‘n groot menigte en soos die geluid van baie waters en soos die geluid van sterk donderslae wat sê: Halleluja! want die Here God, die Almagtige, het die koningskap aanvaar. Laat ons bly wees en ons verheug en aan Hom die heerlikheid gee, want die bruilof van die Lam het gekom en sy vrou het haar gereed gemaak. En aan haar is gegee om bekleed te wees met rein en blink fyn linne, want die fyn linne is die regverdige dade van die heiliges. Toe sê hy vir my: Skryf salig is die wat genooi is na die bruilofsmaal van die Lam. En hy sê vir my: Dit is die waaragtige woorde van God. En ek het voor sy voete neergeval om hom te aanbid; maar hy het vir my gesê: Moenie! Ek is ‘n mededienskneg van jou en van jou broeders wat die getuienis van Jesus het. Aanbid God. Want die getuienis van Jesus is die gees van die profesie.” (Rev 19:6-10)
The following is a list of most of the books I have written. You might find some that are only in Afrikaans and some that are only in English.
- Die Verbond van Geregtigheid https://shama.org.za/wp/die-verbond-van-geregtigheid/
- The Covenant of Righteousness https://shama.org.za/wp/the-covenant-of-righteousness-2/
- Die Boek van Moses https://shama.org.za/wp/die-boek-van-moses/
- The Book of Moses https://shama.org.za/wp/the-book-of-moses/
- The revelation of John Revealed https://shama.org.za/wp/the-revelation-of-john-revealed/
- Die Openbaring van die Openbaring van Johannes https://shama.org.za/wp/die-openbaring-van-die-openbaring-van-johannes/
- Isaiah – A chapter by chapter by chapter summary https://shama.org.za/wp/die-openbaring-van-die-openbaring-van-johannes/
- Jesaja https://shama.org.za/wp/jesaja/
- Is Egipte in die Hemel? https://shama.org.za/wp/is-egipte-in-die-hemel-2/
- Is Egypt in Heaven? https://shama.org.za/wp/is-egypt-in-heaven/
- Op ‘n Drafstap dur Romeine https://shama.org.za/wp/op-n-drafstap-dur-romeine/
- On a Trot through Romans https://shama.org.za/wp/on-a-trot-through-romans/
- Ontwaak jy wat slaap https://shama.org.za/wp/ontwaak-jy-wat-slaap/
- A Wakeup Call https://shama.org.za/wp/a-wakeup-call-2/
- Teologie vir Jan Alleman https://shama.org.za/wp/teologie-vir-jan-alleman/
- Theology for the man in the street https://shama.org.za/wp/theology-for-the-man-in-the-street/
- Evidences of a Christian https://shama.org.za/wp/evidences-of-a-christian/
- On Stumbling blocks and the Cornerstone https://shama.org.za/wp//On-Stumbling-Blocks-and-The-Cornerstone
- Oor struikelblokke en die Hoeksteen. https://shama.org.za/wp/is-u-kerk-die-regte-kerk/
- Die Paradys en wie gaan almal daar wees. https://shama.org.za/wp/die-paradys-en-wie-gaan-almal-daar-wees/
- Wat is Lewende Water? https://shama.org.za/wp/wat-is-lewende-water/
- Oor Kerke en Konings https://shama.org.za/wp/kerke-n-konings/
- The Anti-Christ Exposed https://shama.org.za/wp/the-anti-christ-exposed/
- Die “doel gerigte” lewe https://shama.org.za/wp/the-anti-christ-exposed/
- The Protocols of Zion. https://shama.org.za/wp/the-protocols-of-zion/